For my biology project I have been researching extinction and endangerment of animal species. What I have found in my research is there are two main causes for extinction and endangerment. One reason is nature and the other reason is because of humans. When dinosaurs became extinct the reason is because of nature. Although there is not a definite reason for the extinction of dinosaurs some of the theories are that they became extinct because of asteroids, diseases, volcanoes, and climate changes. None of these were because of humans. When, Woolly Mammoths became extinct although there were some people who were hunting the Woolly Mammoth’s killing their species, the main reason was still because of nature. But, years later humans began to start being the reason for animal extinction and endangerment. Humans have been causing extinction and endangerment for years by what they are doing to animals and nature. Humans have been over-hunting animals for medicine, clothes, food, but worst of all, as a sport. This is one major reason animals are becoming extinct and endangered, especially when people are hunting endangered animals. Humans also continue to move into where animal’s homes are and destroy their habitats. People continuously cut down trees and destroy the animals habitats. By doing this, they also get rid of the food supplies the other animals need to survive which causes endangerment and extinction. A recent example of people trying to destroy a habitat in the United States is Cahuenga Peak. This peak is located in California and is also where the famous Hollywood sign is located. Recently, there was a plan to destroy that land and build houses, mansions on the peak. On this peak is also a park with hiking trails but more importantly a home to many wild animals. Luckily, there were many petitions and there became a deal that if people were to raise 12.5 million dollars this plan would be stopped. Thanks to many generous donators, this area of land will stay as it is and the animals get to keep their homes. This is an example of how when people come together they are able to save the animals and their habitats.
Many people do not see how animal extinction is affecting humans. With animals becoming extinct, it can in a way be compared to dominos. When one animal becomes extinct and the continuous human destruction of nature occurs, other animals will become extinct as well. Although in the past there have been other mass extinctions, humans are causing this sixth mass extinction to have the fastest extinction rate of them all. We should be worried because since animals are becoming extinct it can lead to effects on the ecosystem which is how landscape, nature, plant, animals and more interact. Also, with animals becoming extinct it can lead to humans having less ways to get protein and the nutrients they need in their food in order to survive. In order to help prevent the extinction and endangerment of animals, humans should do things such as raise money and give them to shelters and funds that are helping all animals, both endangered and non-endangered. Also, not throwing garbage in the water, destroying the habitats in which wild animals live and hunting are all things people can do to help prevent animal extinction and endangerment. Even little things like putting up bird houses or making signs and posting them around town to make people aware of this situation would help.
This is a global problem because humans hunting and destroying habitats occurs all over the world. Also, animals such as tigers do not live in the wild in the U.S. but do live in the wild in places like Asia. Also, as I stated earlier with the peak, if that were to be destroyed in the U.S. many animals habitats would have been destroyed which most likely would have killed many wild animals.
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