Title: 'Extinction threat' to flying fox | Summary: This article is an example of an animal that lives in the Malaysian peninsula which is severely endangered. It tells us that these flying foxes could be extinct by the year of 2015. Unfortunately there are places where these animals are legally able to be hunted. Although these animals are not allowed to be hunted in Thailand, it does not do the full job to help save these animals if they can still be hunted in Malaysia. |
Author: Judith Burns | |
Date Published: August 25, 2009 | |
Source: BBC News | |
Web Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ science/nature/8221132.stm |
Title: Report warns on Mongolia wildlife | Summary: This article informs the reader that in Asia in the past 18 year, there have been species where their numbers have dropped by about 92%. Also, it shows that although there are there are laws against hunting and trading, this does not always stop people from doing these illegally. Since guns and vehicles are becoming more available, it is easier for people to go out hunting and trade. |
Author: Rob Norris | |
Date Published: December 12, 2006 | |
Source: BBC News | |
Web Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ asia-pacific/6172207.stm |
Title: Small mammals at risk as world warms | Summary: About 12,000 years ago there was a case of global warming which decreased the number of many mammal species. These species are still not recovered from that incident. According to scientists, the decline of the small mammals during this time decreased about 30% in biodiversity. The temperature changes now will be the most temperature mammals have seen. This article states that deer mice affect the ecosystem when they replace other small mammal species. |
Author: Matthew Knight | |
Date Published: May 25, 2010 | |
Source: CNN News | |
Web Link: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/ 05/25/biodiversity.small.mammals. loss/index.html?iref=allsearch |
Title: Opinion: 'We need to evolve a new attitude to our seas' | Summary: This article says that if we do not take action soon fish stocks can disappear. Along with this, many people who depend on fish for food and for jobs, they will lose these if we don’t take action to help keep the water clean. This states some ways in which this problem can be solved. This includes the government enforcing some laws and people and companies agreeing with the ways to help the animals in the water. |
Author: Achim Steiner | |
Date Published: April 30, 2010 | |
Source: CNN News | |
Web Link: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/ 04/29/plastiki.achim.steiner/index. html?iref=storysearch |
Title: Six species under threat in Mexico | Summary: Climate changes and humans destroying natural environments are having a major impact on the wildlife in Mexico. In Mexico the animal species are very biodiverse which will most likely change because of the climate changes and humans. There is a non-profit organization which is working to try to help save six animal species they chose. These animals are the Golden Eagle, Gray Whale, Jaguar, Mexican Prairie Dog, Monarch Butterfly and the Vaquita. |
Author: Charlie Deveraux | |
Date Published: March 25, 2008 | |
Source: CNN News | |
Web Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/ WORLD/americas/03/17/mexico. nature3/index.html?iref=allsearch |
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