A: In order for an animal species to be classified as extinct it must no longer have any existence.
Q: What classifies an animal species to be endangered?
A: An animal species that is classified as an endangered species means that they are at very high risk for becoming extinct. In order to save these animals there must be significant protection to their species.
Q: How do animals become extinct and endangered?
A: There are many reasons why animals become extinct and endangered. The two broader reasons are humans and nature. Although nature is not able to help what happens naturally, humans are able to control their actions. Although humans may not be trying to make an animal species extinct or endangered, there are things they can do to try and prevent this. Also, some animals become extinct or endangered through diseases.
Q: What do humans have to do with animals becoming extinct and endangered?
A:Humans have a large impact on animals becoming extinct and endangered. Some of the things humans do are over-hunting, which is directly killing the animals which is killing the species. Also, humans cut down the trees and destroy the habitats in which the animals are living which can also cut off the animals food supply. Humans are also causing pollution which is killing many animals causing them to become endangered and many times even extinct.
Q: How has nature made animals become extinct and endangered?
A: Although nature does not control itself, nature has a significant impact on species becoming extinct and endangered. For example, when there is a rapid climate change, the animals may not be able to live in that temperature or have time to adjust to it. One example of this is the Ice Age which ended up making Woolly Mammoth’s extinct.
Q: How does extinction affect humans?
A: Humans who are the ones making animal species become extinct are affected by this. Animals provide us with food which we need to survive. Although in order for us to eat an animal it must be dead, humans are killing of the species by not only hunting when it is not needed, but also by destroying the habitats which lessens those animals which lessens the food.
Q: What animals are currently endangered?
A: There are many animal species which are currently endangered. Some of the well known animals which are endangered are tigers, mountain gorilla, Indian elephant, and the Sumatran Orangutan.
Q: What are some ways extinction and endangerment have tried to be prevented?
A: With more animals becoming endangered and extinct, more people are trying to prevent this from continuing to occur and getting worse. There have been many laws put into place which say that specific animals are not allowed to be hunted or in certain areas hunting is not allowed. Also, there are many shelters trying to save animals. As well as there being shelters there are fund raisers to help raise money in order to save these animals habitats, provide them with food and whatever else is needed.
Q: Is there a significant difference in how animals have become extinct over the years?
A: Many years ago the main cause for animal extinction was nature. But, over the years animal species becoming extinct has more and more been because of humans. Although nature does have some impact on animal extinction, overall humans are the main reason because of how they are hunting these animals as well as destroying their habitats.
Q: What are easy ways humans can help extinction and endangerment?
A: It is not always the big things that need to be done to help prevent extinction and endangerment. Some things humans can do are put up bird houses in trees and put bird food in them to feed the birds. Also, humans can help raise money to help animal’s habitats and shelters. With donating money this will also help provide the animals with food. Humans can also make people aware of the situation by putting up signs in town. There are many ways humans can help prevent extinction and endangerment.
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