Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Multimedia Sources


This website shows an example of an animal, tigers, who are an endangered species. This shows some of the reasons why they are becoming extinct such as poachers trying to kill tigers.


This website gives a few facts about endangered animals. Also, it gives four categories in which endangered animals are classified as, including extinct.


This website lists and gives a description of some of the reasons why animal endangerment and extinction is occurring.


This website is an article on how this is a huge time for extinction occurring and humans are the cause. Also, it gives a list of animals and some information on them including how their species is threatened in becoming extinct. Also, it states that species are becoming extinct faster than new species evolve.


This website is another website which shows reasons for extinction and endangerment. It also gives some facts and lists endangered or extinct animals as well as plants. Some of the reasons that are described are global warming, hunting and trade, pollution, and habitat fragmentation.


This is a website with an article on the current extinction that is happening. It states that we are in the sixth great extinction. This lists the other five great extinction times and explains how this one is different and what is happening during this time.


This is a website that has a little bit of information on some animals that are endangered and some information on endangerment. But, also it lists four ways humans can help those being, recycle and try to use the least amount of non biodegradable material as possible, build bird feeders and plant trees, join a wildlife conservation organization, to obey rules when you visit animal sanctuaries and to not pollute.


This website on the top has 4 different news places that all have an article on the mass extinction of animals. This shows how animal extinction is currently a major problem. Also, it says what some biologists are saying about this extinction period such as this is happening faster than ever before.


This website shows three different ways of extinction being natural extinction, direct extinction and indirect extinction. Also, it lists some animals that have been extinct or are endangered. Also, it shows the number of species facing extinction.


This website shows causes of extinction and about why they are a cause.

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