Thursday, May 27, 2010

Written Statement

For my biology project I have been researching extinction and endangerment of animal species. What I have found in my research is there are two main causes for extinction and endangerment. One reason is nature and the other reason is because of humans. When dinosaurs became extinct the reason is because of nature. Although there is not a definite reason for the extinction of dinosaurs some of the theories are that they became extinct because of asteroids, diseases, volcanoes, and climate changes. None of these were because of humans. When, Woolly Mammoths became extinct although there were some people who were hunting the Woolly Mammoth’s killing their species, the main reason was still because of nature. But, years later humans began to start being the reason for animal extinction and endangerment. Humans have been causing extinction and endangerment for years by what they are doing to animals and nature. Humans have been over-hunting animals for medicine, clothes, food, but worst of all, as a sport. This is one major reason animals are becoming extinct and endangered, especially when people are hunting endangered animals. Humans also continue to move into where animal’s homes are and destroy their habitats. People continuously cut down trees and destroy the animals habitats. By doing this, they also get rid of the food supplies the other animals need to survive which causes endangerment and extinction. A recent example of people trying to destroy a habitat in the United States is Cahuenga Peak. This peak is located in California and is also where the famous Hollywood sign is located. Recently, there was a plan to destroy that land and build houses, mansions on the peak. On this peak is also a park with hiking trails but more importantly a home to many wild animals. Luckily, there were many petitions and there became a deal that if people were to raise 12.5 million dollars this plan would be stopped. Thanks to many generous donators, this area of land will stay as it is and the animals get to keep their homes. This is an example of how when people come together they are able to save the animals and their habitats.

Many people do not see how animal extinction is affecting humans. With animals becoming extinct, it can in a way be compared to dominos. When one animal becomes extinct and the continuous human destruction of nature occurs, other animals will become extinct as well. Although in the past there have been other mass extinctions, humans are causing this sixth mass extinction to have the fastest extinction rate of them all. We should be worried because since animals are becoming extinct it can lead to effects on the ecosystem which is how landscape, nature, plant, animals and more interact. Also, with animals becoming extinct it can lead to humans having less ways to get protein and the nutrients they need in their food in order to survive. In order to help prevent the extinction and endangerment of animals, humans should do things such as raise money and give them to shelters and funds that are helping all animals, both endangered and non-endangered. Also, not throwing garbage in the water, destroying the habitats in which wild animals live and hunting are all things people can do to help prevent animal extinction and endangerment. Even little things like putting up bird houses or making signs and posting them around town to make people aware of this situation would help.

This is a global problem because humans hunting and destroying habitats occurs all over the world. Also, animals such as tigers do not live in the wild in the U.S. but do live in the wild in places like Asia. Also, as I stated earlier with the peak, if that were to be destroyed in the U.S. many animals habitats would have been destroyed which most likely would have killed many wild animals.

Local Solutions

In order to try to help solve this problem I tried to make more people in my community aware by posting this information on bulletin boards:

"Animals all over the world are becoming endangered and extinct. There have been five mass extinctions in the past and humans are the reason the sixth one we are in. Humans are over-hunting, causing pollution, destroying the habitats of many animals, which kills many species. Imagine growing up, going to the zoo and not seeing some of your favorite animals such as tigers, elephants, orangutans and more. This is what will happen in the future if we don’t help because these animals will be extinct.

Recent Situation:

Cahuenga Peak, where the Hollywood sign is located, is a park and a home for wild animals. Recently there was a plan to destroy this habitat and build mansions. Fortunately there was a deal that if 12.5 million dollars was raised in a given amount of time this plan would be cancelled. Many people made donations and ended up saving Cahuenga Peak and the animals that live there.

What can you do to help?

-Donate money to a fund that is trying to save endangered animals

-Don’t throw garbage in the water


-Let others know of the problem

-Plant Trees

-Put up bird houses

As well as putting this out, I hung up bird houses in trees in my backyard. I also put bird food in the bird houses. This feeds the birds and also gives them some shelter even though it is not completely in the wild. This helps because birds need to eat in order to stay alive which is what we want in order to keep the animal species, in this case birds, to become endangered and eventually extinct.

Article Summaries


'Extinction threat' to flying fox


This article is an example of an animal that lives in the Malaysian peninsula which is severely endangered. It tells us that these flying foxes could be extinct by the year of 2015. Unfortunately there are places where these animals are legally able to be hunted. Although these animals are not allowed to be hunted in Thailand, it does not do the full job to help save these animals if they can still be hunted in Malaysia.


Judith Burns

Date Published:

August 25, 2009


BBC News

Web Link:



Report warns on Mongolia wildlife


This article informs the reader that in Asia in the past 18 year, there have been species where their numbers have dropped by about 92%. Also, it shows that although there are there are laws against hunting and trading, this does not always stop people from doing these illegally. Since guns and vehicles are becoming more available, it is easier for people to go out hunting and trade.


Rob Norris

Date Published:

December 12, 2006


BBC News

Web Link:



Small mammals at risk as world warms


About 12,000 years ago there was a case of global warming which decreased the number of many mammal species. These species are still not recovered from that incident. According to scientists, the decline of the small mammals during this time decreased about 30% in biodiversity. The temperature changes now will be the most temperature mammals have seen. This article states that deer mice affect the ecosystem when they replace other small mammal species.


Matthew Knight

Date Published:

May 25, 2010


CNN News

Web Link:




Opinion: 'We need to evolve a new attitude to our seas'


This article says that if we do not take action soon fish stocks can disappear. Along with this, many people who depend on fish for food and for jobs, they will lose these if we don’t take action to help keep the water clean. This states some ways in which this problem can be solved. This includes the government enforcing some laws and people and companies agreeing with the ways to help the animals in the water.


Achim Steiner

Date Published:

April 30, 2010


CNN News

Web Link:




Six species under threat in Mexico


Climate changes and humans destroying natural environments are having a major impact on the wildlife in Mexico. In Mexico the animal species are very biodiverse which will most likely change because of the climate changes and humans. There is a non-profit organization which is working to try to help save six animal species they chose. These animals are the Golden Eagle, Gray Whale, Jaguar, Mexican Prairie Dog, Monarch Butterfly and the Vaquita.


Charlie Deveraux

Date Published:

March 25, 2008


CNN News

Web Link:



Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What classifies an animal species to be extinct?
A: In order for an animal species to be classified as extinct it must no longer have any existence.

Q: What classifies an animal species to be endangered?
A: An animal species that is classified as an endangered species means that they are at very high risk for becoming extinct. In order to save these animals there must be significant protection to their species.

Q: How do animals become extinct and endangered?
A: There are many reasons why animals become extinct and endangered. The two broader reasons are humans and nature. Although nature is not able to help what happens naturally, humans are able to control their actions. Although humans may not be trying to make an animal species extinct or endangered, there are things they can do to try and prevent this. Also, some animals become extinct or endangered through diseases.

Q: What do humans have to do with animals becoming extinct and endangered?
A:Humans have a large impact on animals becoming extinct and endangered. Some of the things humans do are over-hunting, which is directly killing the animals which is killing the species. Also, humans cut down the trees and destroy the habitats in which the animals are living which can also cut off the animals food supply. Humans are also causing pollution which is killing many animals causing them to become endangered and many times even extinct.

Q: How has nature made animals become extinct and endangered?
A: Although nature does not control itself, nature has a significant impact on species becoming extinct and endangered. For example, when there is a rapid climate change, the animals may not be able to live in that temperature or have time to adjust to it. One example of this is the Ice Age which ended up making Woolly Mammoth’s extinct.

Q: How does extinction affect humans?
A: Humans who are the ones making animal species become extinct are affected by this. Animals provide us with food which we need to survive. Although in order for us to eat an animal it must be dead, humans are killing of the species by not only hunting when it is not needed, but also by destroying the habitats which lessens those animals which lessens the food.

Q: What animals are currently endangered?
A: There are many animal species which are currently endangered. Some of the well known animals which are endangered are tigers, mountain gorilla, Indian elephant, and the Sumatran Orangutan.

Q: What are some ways extinction and endangerment have tried to be prevented?
A: With more animals becoming endangered and extinct, more people are trying to prevent this from continuing to occur and getting worse. There have been many laws put into place which say that specific animals are not allowed to be hunted or in certain areas hunting is not allowed. Also, there are many shelters trying to save animals. As well as there being shelters there are fund raisers to help raise money in order to save these animals habitats, provide them with food and whatever else is needed.

Q: Is there a significant difference in how animals have become extinct over the years?
A: Many years ago the main cause for animal extinction was nature. But, over the years animal species becoming extinct has more and more been because of humans. Although nature does have some impact on animal extinction, overall humans are the main reason because of how they are hunting these animals as well as destroying their habitats.

Q: What are easy ways humans can help extinction and endangerment?
A: It is not always the big things that need to be done to help prevent extinction and endangerment. Some things humans can do are put up bird houses in trees and put bird food in them to feed the birds. Also, humans can help raise money to help animal’s habitats and shelters. With donating money this will also help provide the animals with food. Humans can also make people aware of the situation by putting up signs in town. There are many ways humans can help prevent extinction and endangerment.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Case Studies


Dinosaurs have been extinct for about 65 million years but nobody knows the exact cause for them becoming extinct. Also, although they are said to be extinct there are some people who believe that there are some birds who have evolved from dinosaurs. The difference between dinosaurs and later animals becoming extinct and endangered are humans had nothing to do with human extinction. Some theories that scientists believe to be the reasons of why dinosaurs became extinct are volcano eruptions and diseases. The two theories that scientists believe have more effect on the extinction of dinosaurs are asteroids and climate changes.

Woolly Mammoth:

The Woolly Mammoth a well known animal came to life about 1.8 million years ago. But, unfortunately about 10,000 years ago Woolly Mammoth’s became extinct. Although Woolly Mammoth’s were mainly extinct because of nature, unlike dinosaurs humans also had a small effect on Woolly Mammoth’s extinction. Humans would over hunt Woolly Mammoth’s which was a reason they became extinct. The main reason for their extinction was the Ice Age. The Ice Age caused food shortage and climate changes which made the Woolly Mammoth’s unable to survive.

Dodo Bird:

Dodo birds were first sighted in 1600 on an Island in the Indian Ocean. Less than 80 years later Dodo birds were declared to be extinct. Dodo birds were not fully preserved resulting in no complete Dodo specimens existing. With Dodo birds unlike Dinosaurs and Woolly Mammoth’s, the main reason for their extinction is because of humans. Humans came onto the island and would destroy the forests where their lived. This caused the Dodo’s bird food supply to be cut off which was a main reason for them becoming extinct. Also, when humans would come onto the island they would bring other animals along with them which would destroy the Dodo bird’s nests.


Over the years different types of tigers have become endangered and some even extinct. The main cause of tigers becoming endangered and extinct are humans. Many poachers hunt animals and sell their skin and body parts. Some of the uses for the animal skins and body parts are for medicine in Asia. Hunting tigers is also a sport which is a cause for their species becoming endangered. Also, humans destroy their habitat by cutting down the trees, causing pollution in the water and air, and kill the tiger’s prey. To get more specific Caspian tigers which became extinct by the 1950’s, were also heavily hunted but were also used by the Romans in arenas for entertainment. They would fight other animals as well as gladiators in arenas with a large audience.


Whales main cause for endangerment are humans. Humans have been killing whales, but there have become laws to try to prevent this. Humans also cause pollutions and oil spills which kills whales as well as other things in the ocean. Also, garbage humans throw into the ocean kills whales every year. Another cause for whales becoming extinct are when whales become sick the can become disoriented and end up beaching itself. If a whale is not put back into the ocean quickly enough it will die.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Multimedia Sources

This website shows an example of an animal, tigers, who are an endangered species. This shows some of the reasons why they are becoming extinct such as poachers trying to kill tigers.

This website gives a few facts about endangered animals. Also, it gives four categories in which endangered animals are classified as, including extinct.

This website lists and gives a description of some of the reasons why animal endangerment and extinction is occurring.

This website is an article on how this is a huge time for extinction occurring and humans are the cause. Also, it gives a list of animals and some information on them including how their species is threatened in becoming extinct. Also, it states that species are becoming extinct faster than new species evolve.

This website is another website which shows reasons for extinction and endangerment. It also gives some facts and lists endangered or extinct animals as well as plants. Some of the reasons that are described are global warming, hunting and trade, pollution, and habitat fragmentation.

This is a website with an article on the current extinction that is happening. It states that we are in the sixth great extinction. This lists the other five great extinction times and explains how this one is different and what is happening during this time.

This is a website that has a little bit of information on some animals that are endangered and some information on endangerment. But, also it lists four ways humans can help those being, recycle and try to use the least amount of non biodegradable material as possible, build bird feeders and plant trees, join a wildlife conservation organization, to obey rules when you visit animal sanctuaries and to not pollute.

This website on the top has 4 different news places that all have an article on the mass extinction of animals. This shows how animal extinction is currently a major problem. Also, it says what some biologists are saying about this extinction period such as this is happening faster than ever before.

This website shows three different ways of extinction being natural extinction, direct extinction and indirect extinction. Also, it lists some animals that have been extinct or are endangered. Also, it shows the number of species facing extinction.

This website shows causes of extinction and about why they are a cause.

Animal Extinction

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Science of Extinction and Endangerment

Throughout the years more animals have become an extinct or endangered species because of the way humans have been treating the earth and nature. When it comes to categorizing endangered or extinct animal species there are four different categories. The first category is the vulnerable species. The species in this category are currently in the least amount of danger to become extinct. These are the animal species that are not threatened but because their numbers are declining they are at risk. The second category is the threatened species. These are the animal species that although they have significant numbers, they are at high-risk in their natural surroundings that can move them into the endangered species category and possibly extinction. The category after the threatened species are at the highest risk of becoming extinct and they are categorized under the endangered species category. These are the animal species that are in the most danger of becoming extinct. In order for these species to continue to exist they require a significant amount of protection. Finally the last category is known as the extinct species where these animal-species no longer have any existence. Humans destroying habitats, hunting, causing pollutions are some of the main causes for the endangerment and extinction of many of the animal species. Unfortunately what humans do not all recognize is that since some of these animals are becoming extinct and endangered it is hurting ecosystems.

“Nitrogen and phosphorus are crucial nutrients in aquatic ecosystems as most organisms at the base of the food chain rely on them.”[1] Which many people most likely do not know is the recycling of nutrients is influenced by fish. There has recently been an investigation by American scientists trying to figure out the impact of the extinction of fish on nutrients recycling. “Their results highlight the complexity of predicting the consequences of extinctions from species-rich animal communities.” So, fish species are significantly important when it comes to the recycling of nutrients. Since human-beings need nutrients in their body and the nutrients is needed to make food, people are lessening the amount of nutrients available by overfishing which can have effects on how the ecosystem functions. What is also important about fish and the recycling of nutrients is although people are able to get their nutrients straight from eating fish there are people who do not necessarily like fish. So, the nutrients that is recycled is needed for other items such as plants. Animals, such as bears, eat these plants and these fish which helps them get their nutrients in order to survive. So, also when we eat meat or vegetables some of the nutrients that we get from that is from the recycled nutrients which the process is done because of the fish. Which also means in order for our fish to be healthy humans cannot pollute the water which can also kill fish and over time lead them to be extinct. So, in order for us to get the nutrients we need it is important for many animals to survive especially fish to recycle the nutrients.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Imagine Living Without These Animals

Imagine living without any of these animals existing! Imagine the future generations growing up without some of these animal species that you have grown up with.

Tigers Endangered

-“ The number of tigers in the 1900's --over 100,000 -- dropped to 4,000 in the 1970's. Today, they are a critically endangered species with the total of all the wild populations of the five remaining subspecies is an estimated 4,600 and 7,700 tigers.”[1]